
Don't Bother Wiping Your Shoes

Saturday, October 31, 2009

When God answers a prayer

Yesterday, something wonderful happened. God's grace is amazing! Lately, Riverlyn is starting to understand prayer and how to pray. And when she prays, she has such faith! Well, it was raining outside and Riverlyn wanted to go outside with her umbrella. I was feeding the baby in the nursery. After being out in the rain for just a couple of minutes it started pouring. I could imagine her trying to get in the door with the cold rain beating down on her as her precious 5 year old hands try to open the door and get the umbrella in. It simply wasn't going to happen. That's when I hear her open the door just a little and holler at me inside to come help her. I couldn't respond before the door slammed shut. She couldn't hear me now. I was going to tell her to put the umbrella down and just hurry inside. So, that's I started to pray "God, she has so much faith in you! Lord, please let her say a prayer and ask you to stop the rain so you can stop the rain and just give her a light of your existence and love for her."

Then, immediately, the rain completely stopped. It was dead silent. The door opened, she came in and wiped her feet. Her feet pitter-pattered through the house and she ran into the nursery huffing and puffing. "Mommy! It started raining really hard and I couldn't get inside so I asked God to stop the rain so I could come inside. And He did! He made it stop!"

And this is just one of many prayers He has answered immediately like that for me.

We were created to love and be loved.
He is our Father. Do you want to be His child?

Pray for your children! Pray for their health, relationships and safety. Pray for their hearts and ask the Lord to let them feel the Holy Spirit and know it! Pray for help from the Lord to guide you as you raise your children. And always, pray with them and encourage them to pray.

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