
Don't Bother Wiping Your Shoes

Friday, August 21, 2009

5 weeks left!

Yes,we are nearing the end of the worst pregnancy ever. Would you believe I'm still puking! I have no idea how I've gained any weight but doc says I'm super healthy.

So, I've missed my blog! That stupid Facebook. Sometimes it's cool, but sometimes it's so stupid! Quizzes are funny....catching up, making conversation, etc., is cool. Receiving a "smile" and a "flower" ???? huh? That's one of the cheesiest things ever. Facebook "smiles and flowers and stars" are like when e-mail first came about and people forwarded those messages that said if they didn't forward it they would wind up dead in an alley or monkey would fly through windshield.

Oh wait...

People still do that huh?



Melanie-Pearl said...

wud up k*boz? sounds like somebody fwdd you something dumb and your hormonal, pregnant fuse finally went off. haha. you go girl!

i got a stupid fwd this week and about wrote the lady a hatemail response. (i stopped myself b/c she has a piece of my art in her gallery) i just knew when she got my email there'd be trouble. grr. she's one of those people.

ps)my word verification is "suphoe". haha. 'sup ho?

will be thinking about you in the weeks to come. love to ya!

Cammie said...

This post makes me want to send you every FB gift there is!!!

Hmmm...not a bad idea!

BRB! (heehee)